When to Hire a Caregiver

When to Hire a Caregiver

by Donald Simonson
Roughly 34 million people in America provide care to someone who is over the age of 50, but sometimes it is too difficult to care for an elderly loved one without assistance. Here are four factors that may indicate when it is time to seek assistance from a professional in-home caregiver.

Difficulty Walking

It is likely time to seek help when your relative is no longer ambulatory. If the person cannot get up or walk without assistance, you should consider hiring a caregiver to come to their home on a daily basis. He or she can help your family member get out of bed, dress, use the toilet, and take a bath. Heavy lifting of a relative can be dangerous for both parties, but professional caregivers know how to transport elderly people gently.

Exhaustion and Isolation

If you are feeling extremely tired and isolated, that is clear a sign you need help. You can become depressed and anxious when another person completely relies on you. In fact, there is an approximate 35 percent increase in depressive symptoms among family caregivers. They tend to feel a constant need to remain home to monitor the situation, which can cause them miss work. Luckily, in-home caregivers provide desperately needed respite. Sometimes all you need is a break of a couple hours in order to feel rejuvenated.

Incurable Diseases

Caring for an elderly person who has an incurable disease can be emotionally overwhelming. Make sure you call for aid when the symptoms are still moderate. Start with a one-day a week schedule, so you can eventually increase the number of days. The company will usually offer a choice of several caregivers to help find one who makes the patient feel comfortable.


If an elderly person becomes forgetful he or she may have dementia. Some of the symptoms are sudden mood swings and personality changes. Another indicator is an inability to communicate consistently. Your local home care agency can help you find support groups and caregiver services and create a low stress environment, as particular stressors can triggers can aggravate dementia symptoms.

Try to be proactive so you will be prepared when the time comes to hire help! The administrators at a good health care agency can guide you through the process and will perform an intake procedure that includes a needs assessment.

Donald Simonson enjoys writing about health, fitness, and group health insurance quotes.